June 20, 2024


In my last post, I mentioned how I saw rainbows everywhere. As they usually precede a miracle, I first believed the miracle was avoiding an emergency room visit due to a reaction from my new medication. I took Zyrtec as the last ER doctor suggested, and although the symptoms persisted for several days, they were not bad enough to seek medical help.

But the rainbows continued to appear, and then this happened. 

My husband’s knee surgeon requires an after surgery blood thinner to prevent blood clots. Normally, he subscribes aspirin. Unfortunately, my husband is allergic to it. The alternative is expensive — to the tune of around $700 for a 30 day supply, which he needs.

 Although the VA will pay for the surgery, they will not pay for the medication. They don’t feel it is needed, contrary to the surgeon’s opinion. However, if that was all the out-of-pocket expense we had to pay, that was pretty small in comparison.

We took the prescription to our Costco pharmacy, and even with our member discount, the medication was still $500. Better, but still a chunk of money. The pharmacist thought they had a coupon for the prescription, which would reduce the cost a little more, and asked us to come back in about 20 minutes while he checked.

We did our shopping. My husband suggested I take our purchases and go back to the truck and wait with Cooper while he picked up the prescription.

After I unloaded the groceries from the cart, I struck up a conversation with the sweet lady parked next to me, also waiting for her husband. (If she lived nearby, I know we’d be good friends, but she and her husband were only passing through. Darn.)

We chatted and chatted and chatted. I was beginning to worry. I tried calling my husband’s cell phone to see what the delay was, but it rang in the console. He'd left the phone in the truck.

I headed into the store to find him and met him at the entrance.

Turns out the reason for the long delay was nothing short of a miracle.

The coupon the pharmacy found was rejected by the pharmaceutical company. Unwilling to let that go, the pharmacist tried several more times. Each one failed. Still not letting it go, he called the company. Through his negotiation, he got the prescription on a free 30 day trial with a promise of a big discount from the company if my husband should need it again. 

I was stunned. The medication was free?

We are so thankful for the dedication of the pharmacist and the compassion of the pharmaceutical company. 

The experience reminded me — again — to leave all things in God’s hands. He was there in my yesterdays. He is here today, and He’s already there tomorrow. Amen.



  1. I'm in tears. Thank You, God. What a wonderful thing, Marie. I pray your husband's surgery goes well!

    1. Thank you, Priscilla. I had to grab hold of Bill to keep from falling over. Our God is so good to us!

  2. Our loving God and Father wants the best for us. I also pray the surgery goes well and your husband makes a full recovery.

    1. Thank you, Jackie. After all of this, I'm sure it will.

  3. It is amazing how God works. Praise Jesus!


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