July 14, 2024

The Crazy Woman

Image by Mariya from Pixabay

Everyone said I was crazy. For three full weeks, I spent four hours a day digging sod out from flowerbeds and around the trees, trying to complete the task before my husband’s knee replacement surgery on the first of July. My yardwork would be cut in half if I got it finished. Never mind the aesthetics of clean edged beds.

However, the task is huge. There are fourteen large trees to edge and approximately 200 feet of flower beds full of grass. The result of years of neglect by the previous owner. So far, we’ve hauled off eighty truck loads of yard debris. This is the last.

Yes, it could be done gradually over the course of the summer, but the compulsion to finish before the surgery was strong. I couldn’t rest until it was done. Couldn’t stop no matter how tired I was. I even dreamed about digging grass.

I finished the flowerbeds in time, but still have eight trees left to edge. Those will have to wait. 

My husband’s surgery may have brought my yard marathon to an abrupt halt, but another began. Due to extreme pain and weakness, my husband spent a week in the hospital instead of just overnight. Rehab was considered, but with the 4th of July in the middle of the week and then the weekend, nothing could be done. That meant long hours of sitting in the hospital, followed by a sixty mile round trip home twice a day.   

However, thanks to all the prayers, my husband made enough of an improvement to be discharged home on Monday. Then a third marathon began — the four-hour schedule for pain meds.

Sleep was elusive. Naps none existent. It seemed the moment I had my husband settled, Cooper needed fed. Followed by his meds. (He takes thyroid medicine twice a day.) Add in frequent trips outside. Since our half acre isn’t fenced, I must accompany Cooper. Even if the property was fenced, we can’t trust him not to eat things he shouldn’t. It’d be wonderful if those trips coincided with the pain management schedule, but no such luck.

During one of the 2 am medication alarms, I realized my crazy yard marathon prepared me for this. I have far more endurance than I had before. With only two to four hours of sleep a night, I’d normally be too exhausted to do anything. I’m tired, but not face-planting on the floor. I’m also much stronger. I can lift a 40 lb. bag of dog food like it weighs almost nothing. Before, that would have been a struggle. With needing to help my husband stand on occasion, this comes in handy.

This endurance and strength is all God's doing. He urged me to do what everyone thought was crazy. Kind of like Noah and the ark. People thought he was crazy, too.

Thank you, Lord, for caring enough to push me to do what You know is for my good, even if it sounds crazy, and for reminding me this marathon won't last forever. My husband is already gaining strength and mobility. I'm sure that's Your doing, too. Amen.




  1. ❤️❤️❤️

  2. It just goes to show God can see the future when we can't. I pray your husband continues to gain strength and mobility.

    1. I agree. And thank you. He's doing better every day.


Any thoughts you would like to share? I love hearing from you!