About Me

Cecilia is a survivor of years of domestic violence, divorce, breast cancer, and losing two husbands to premature deaths. But through the tears, sorrow, joy, and even humor, God encouraged her to lift her eyes from the mundane and the ordinary and to gaze upon the stars and rainbows. He whispered in the quiet of a hospital room and shouted through unexpected messengers and granted a few miracles.

After her third husband passed away, she believed she’d spend the rest of her life alone. She was only 48. However, friends introduced her to her current husband and a year later, he swept her away to a fairy tale wedding in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Africa.

In 2011, the Holy Spirit hounded her to share her stories, (See: Why Do I Write? Because of Lions). She started blogging the same year and after some additional inspiration (okay, nagging) added fiction books and a devotional, A God for All Seasons

Her blog features Christian themed stories, photos of her African wedding, her month-long tour of Africa, and her artwork.

All her books are available in both eBook and paperback on Amazon.

She loves to hear from her readers and can be contacted on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cecilia.pulliam or through the comment and contact sections here. 

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