June 08, 2024

Rainbows, Rainbows, and More Rainbows.

I’m facing a new health issue which requires a low carb, low-sodium diet, and a new, stronger medication. The diet is a bit of a challenge and the new med is concerning, considering my sensitivity to medications and the warnings of side effects associated with the drug.

While I tried to shove the worries aside, God took things in hand. 

I've mentioned several times how rainbows have preceded health related issues and consequent miracles, so seeing them is always a comfort. Coincidentally, there hasn't been a single reference to rainbows in any form for months until this week. Now, every time I pop onto social media, there’s at least three to seven pictures of rainbows.

I rarely follow Britain’s Got Talent, but catch a few random videos here and there. Guess which one I landed on? Yup, the one showcasing Sydney Christmas, the winner for this year’s competition. Her final song? I’m sure you guessed it. Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

Bill chose our movie the other night- Judy. The life of Judy Garland. No, her famous song did not come up until the very end and she didn’t sing it. The audience did. An usual presentation of the song.

 And this popped up in my FB memories.

The list goes on and on, too many for me to mention. The most references at one time that I have ever experienced. Perhaps because not only am I facing some health issues, but my husband is going in for knee replacement surgery on the first of July. He’s 80 years old, so any surgery is concerning, but with this inundation of rainbows, symbols of God’s faithfulness to His promises, I can let all my concerns go.

Wish my faith was strong enough God didn’t need to send these reminders, but then I also love the outward expressions of His compassion and love.

Dear Lord, thank you, again, for everything. My life, all the wonderful blessings you have bestowed on me, and my faith - frail as it is at times. Amen. 


  1. We can stand on each other's faith. Bill will be fine, and so will you. Love you, friend 💖

  2. Thank you, Priscilla. I'm thankful for all those things too!


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