May 23, 2024

The heavens declare the glory of God. Psalm 19:1

Original photo by Cecilia Marie Pullian

In my Daily Bread devotional for today, Patricia Raybon wrote about Alex Smalley, a British researching studying awe inspiring weather events. According to Smalley, a stunning sunrise, or sunset can improve mood, increase positive emotions, and decrease stress. “When you see something vast and overwhelming or something that produces this feeling of awe, your own problems can feel diminished and so you don’t worry so much about them.”

This reminded me of another quote I read years ago.

Sherlock Holmes said flowers were not necessary to life. They were an embellishment given to us from a compassionate God (from The Adventure of the Naval Treaty by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle).

Isn’t that true? Sunsets, sunrises, blossoms, green fields, gurgling brooks, blue oceans, and lakes enhance the beauty of our world and lift our spirits—lifting them up towards heaven, towards God.

God has blessed me in the last stage of my life with a wonderful husband, family, church family, friends and a beautiful place to live.

Our house is situated in such a way as to allow me to watch both sunrises and sunsets from my front windows or porch. At other times of the day, I enjoy the lush vista of the surrounding countryside. Further embellishments to this life for which I am so thankful, especially after the many difficult preceding years.

There will be more difficulties to come, but there will also be those special gifts of encouragement, love and compassion sprinkled in when I need them most. Scripture verses, words from a kind friend, flowers, sunrises, and sunsets.

Thank you, Lord, for giving us embellishments to soften the hardness of this life. Amen.



  1. Those things are definite Necessities in my life. Can't imagine life without them.

  2. I like sunrises and flowers and birdsong and night skies for the way they show the Creator behind them and His kindness in giving us color-vision eyes and ears to experience these things.

    1. I agree! You make a good point. Both are blessings.


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