July 13, 2018

Weeds and Dis-ease

I have been scrambling to get everything in order before my surgery. I’ve tended the flowerbeds, finished up landscaping, got caught up on the laundry and housecleaning, shopped for lightweight button up shirts, compression socks, and easy-on-the-tummy foods.

I’m ready, sort of.

Although I am looking forward to getting rid of this rigid rock on my chest (the expander) and moving past all these surgeries, I am worrying over the weeds. My husband will mow the lawn and prune trees and bushes, but will not touch the flowerbeds. How overgrown will they be by the time I am well enough to garden again?

As these thoughts, and others, whirled around in my mind, I picked up my devotions. The beautiful passages reminded me there will always be weeds in my life. I will never eradicate them all no matter how hard I try, and I have to accept that.

These unsettling thoughts are a dis-ease. They keep me from being contented, happy, and joyful. It’s the devil’s attempt to distract me from what is most important, my relationship with God and how well I treat others. Not much else matters in the light of eternity.

When those dis-eased thoughts come to mind, I plan to push them away with a small prayer. “God, I leave it all in your hands.”

He cured me of my disease (cancer), and he can cure me of my dis-ease too.


Any thoughts you would like to share? I love hearing from you!