March 17, 2018

After Thirty Days — What Matters Most?

One month since my surgery. What is at the top of my priority list? Comfort.

Oh, to feel comfortable again.

My swim in the waters of continuous pain these last thirty days have given me a whole new appreciation for the pain free days of the past and empathy for those dealing with chronic pain. However, I am fortunate. My discomfort is easing every day and should end once my mastectomy reconstruction is completed (in five or six months).

With restricted activities, I evaluate everything according to my doctors’ guidelines and what my body deems comfortable.

Patience is my current mantra. It’s not as hard as it used to be. My body lets me know how much I can do with loud, insistent messages I can’t ignore.

Expert say it takes thirty days to change habits. Will my priorities remain the same after my full recovery, or will I revert to old ways?

I may slip now and then, but my scars and other body changes will be constant reminders of what matters most — life and my relationship with God and others.

As I add in other activities, it will be important to ask if it’s worth my time and energy. If it doesn’t enhance my life, or another’s, then it doesn’t belong on my list.

What about you? What guidelines determine where and how you spend your time and energy?


  1. Oh, Ceci, I'm so sorry you've had to go through this. Yeah, daily pain IS a pain. So glad yours is subsiding and will disappear. Praying the rest of your recovery is quick and complete. :D <3

    1. Thank you, Lynn! I am doing very well. I guess it's time for a new blog post! Thank you for your prayers. <3

  2. I've never had major surgery. I can't imagine what you're going through. I just hope and pray you heal fast. Hang in there!

  3. I am healing very well, thank you. I need to post again about all the good news!


Any thoughts you would like to share? I love hearing from you!