October 11, 2017

If I Knew Then What I Know Now...

Some have posed the question, “If you could go back to high school, would you?” 
For myself, no.  I don’t want to go back and live my life over. Once is enough. 
Another popular question, “If you could give advice to your younger self, what would it be?”
I would tell my younger self, “Don’t be anxious over things not in your control. Everything will work out one way or the other. If it is the other, you’ll survive.” 
Oh, but would she listen, even to that? I doubt it.
I have let go most of my worries only because I have walked through the fires and experienced God’s miracles. Had I not suffered and God had not rescued me, would my faith have grown? Would I be able to give my troubles to God and leave them there, along with the anxiety and fear? 
I still fall now and then into that dark abyss, but not as often or for as long. Most dismal circumstances can lead to immense good. I’ve seen it. I’ve lived it. And I believe. 
No wonder Jesus said, “Blessed are they who have not seen, and have believed.” 
"So, my younger self, don’t fret. Don’t worry. Trust God and do the best you can with the knowledge and experience you have, and most of all, forgive. Forgive others and then forgive yourself. God has, and you should too."


  1. Love this. Would I go back? No way. But my advice to my younger self would be very much the same as yours.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Sheila. We've been around long enough to pick up a few bits of wisdom.


Any thoughts you would like to share? I love hearing from you!