September 11, 2017

Closed Hearts

Although  I have encountered some who seem to flit through life without a scratch, their worst experiences being small inconveniences and annoyances (compared to financial crises, health issues, and the deaths of loved ones), most of us have been in that dark place Saint John of the Cross called, the black night of the soul, at least once, if not more.

A dear friend wrote about this condition in her new novella, Ice Melts in Spring (soon to be released). I won’t give away any spoilers, but will say only this, Linda Yezak hit the essence of these dark moments right in the heart, literally.  Her heroine doesn’t see God’s hand in her suffering because anger and bitterness have closed her heart to His presence.  She is spiritually blind. The key to opening her heart? Forgiveness.

The author describes the moment God lifted those burdens from her character, nailing the weightlessness and the joy.

My heart goes out to all those with closed hearts. May they see God's hand in every aspect of their lives, especially the painful and confusing times when life seems unbearable, and their first inclination is to end the pain in whatever way they can.

Lord, please comfort them, give them joy, and most importantly, hope.  Hope for a better tomorrow and a jubilant eternity to come.  Amen.


  1. In agreement with you in prayer, Ceci, and thanks for the comments. I'm touched.

    1. You are most welcome, Linda. I know your story will help many. Bless you for writing it and sharing.


Any thoughts you would like to share? I love hearing from you!