October 07, 2024


Original photo by Cecilia Marie Pullaim

Galatians 1:4.  “…who gave Himself for our sins so that He might rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father…”

I’ve been rescued more times than I can relate. Even when I had to endure the flames of severe trials, Jesus walked with me and saw me safely to the other side.

But it isn’t just the physical evils he’s rescued me from. He’s also saved me from myself.

Just this week, I was whining like a four-year-old about dealing with fallen leaves on top of the other chores. It’s not a small task. Two trees alone will drop enough leaves to fill eighty 50 gallon trash bags. With twenty more trees, you get the picture.  

I was also moaning about cooking multiple meals. Since my doctor put me on a sodium-restricted diet, I fix two dishes for every meal. While I can’t blame my husband for not wanting to share my restrictive diet, the extra cooking and added clean up gets old. Added to the yard chores, I felt overwhelmed. 

However, the Holy Spirit reminded me I’d rather clean up the leaves once a year than not have the trees. So true! I love their beauty and the shade they provide. The first thing I drew as a young artist was a tree. Also, I have good tools to help with the task. A riding mower with a towable lawn sweeper. No raking, except for the areas the tractor can’t reach.

He also pointed out I’d rather cook double than cook for only one. Been there and would rather not be in that position again. As my husband recovers from his knee surgery, he’s helping with more and more chores. See, it’s better already. I just needed a change in perspective.

Dear Lord, I cannot thank you enough for all the times you’ve rescued me, especially from myself. Amen.