February 22, 2025


Image by darkness_s from Pixabay

Döstädning is a Swedish word meaning death cleaning — a gift of love from aging parents to their children. Parents sift out the clutter from their homes, relieving their children from dealing with years of accumulated stuff.

I’m in that stage myself, though not entirely for the benefit of my children. Also known as downsizing, I’m moving from a large home with tons of stuff to a smaller place.

It’s therapeutic to remove things no longer needed, but also hard. Attached to each piece  are memories of my life with my late husband, and in someways it feels like I’m purging him from my life. I know that’s not true, for he will remain forever in my heart, but it’s hard to let go of so many things we had together. But, I must.

It isn’t practical to hang on to oversized furniture I won’t have room for in my new home. It won’t be a three bedroom 1800 sq. ft. house. Not for just Cooper and me.

I will keep a few small mementos tucked away, like pictures, and a few personal things, but the rest I have to let go.    

So, I lift my chin and push through, moving one step at a time, trusting my new future to God. He has carried me through many dark places and into the light of a new life.

These verses popped up in my devotions today.  

“Commit your way to the Lord;  trust in him, and he will act,” and “Be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for him…” Psalm 37:5,7. 

Lord, you know I'm trying to trust and wait with patience. But even  when I fail, I praise and thank you for the blessings you send to light my path. Amen.



  1. My husband and I downsized drastically in 2022. I already have minimalist tendencies, so it was easy for me. It was harder for him, but he did a great job. It felt so freeing to both of us afterwards, and the best memories are engraved in our hearts, never to leave.

    1. I agree, Priscilla. The best memories we carry with us. I also agree with the cliche, "Less is more."

  2. Hugs, kiddo. You're such an example of God's peace. (Or at least you seem to be.)

    1. God has seen me through so many dark places I have faith He will see me through his too. I admit I have some low moments, but God steps in with beautiful reminders He's still with me. I'm so blessed in that regard. Thank you for the hugs! Always appreciated.


Any thoughts you would like to share? I love hearing from you!