August 02, 2024

A Rugged Life

My husband and I watched the movie Rugged Gold. The true story of a socialite who married an Alaskan miner. During one of the big Alaskan earthquakes, she was separated from her family and forced to survive the harsh winter, alone on an isolated island, injured and pregnant.

After the movie, I mentioned how well she handled all of her struggles.

My husband said, “You’ve done well too, after all your experiences.”

 Perhaps, thanks to my faith. But all those situations left scars not only on my flesh but also on my heart, soul, and mind - as I'm sure her did too! 

One woman once told me, “You are one of the strongest women I’ve ever met. How did you survive all that?”

My first response was, “I had no choice.”

But was that true?

Looking back, I had choices. There were different paths I could have taken and skipped a lot of heartache (maybe), but I followed God’s will instead of my own. Besides, who knows what those other choices would have led to?

God knows the answer, and because of that, He chose my life paths.

I don’t regret any of my choices that aligned with His will. However, sometimes my mind plays with different scenarios, wondering how my life might look today had I made different choices. But I always come back to the same truth. God chose my paths. How could they be wrong? Even if they were filled with challenges, heartaches, and sorrows, the paths have also been filled with great joy. Joys I would have missed out on if I had chosen differently. 

My heart and prayers go out to those struggling on their paths, doing their best to survive. Their struggles may not be like mine, or yours, or like the poor woman alone in the Alaskan wilderness, but they are still filled with challenges and heartaches.

May God be with them every step, as He has been for me. Amen.


  1. Amen! I spent my formative years in Alaska. I can't imagine living alone in the Alaskan wilderness! When we cling to God, we are stronger than we think we are.

    1. You lived in Alaska? Wow. I bet you understand the depth of strength that woman had to survive better than those of us who have never been there. The isolation is hard to fathom, even after growing up in Eastern Oregon where we count distances by hours rather than miles. Yes, with God all things are possible, even surviving the unimaginable.

  2. You're what they used to call "hardy stock." LOL. God knows what He's doing and trusted you to get the jobs done. You are indeed stronger than you think because you trust in Him.

    1. My strength, whatever I have, comes from Him. Yes, God does know what he's doing in all our lives.


Any thoughts you would like to share? I love hearing from you!