March 05, 2023

Forced Pause

Photo by Kinga Howard on Unsplash

God sometimes steps in and forces us to pause in our endeavors, often in a manner we’d prefer not to participate in. It can be financial, natural (as in a storm and loss of power) or health. For me, it seems he prefers the latter.

At least this time around, it wasn’t anything serious, just inconvenient.

I discovered a lump on my right thumb. My doctor suspected a cyst and referred me to an orthopedic surgeon.

After palpitating it, he disagreed. “I’m not sure what it is.”

Although cancer of the hand is rare, given my history with the disease, we opted to have the lump surgically removed and biopsied.

What I thought would be a simple minor procedure turned into a full-blown surgery with a gown, cap, IV, and an operating theater. I chose a local rather than anesthesia, but other than being awake, it was not different from the more complicated surgeries I’ve had.

The good news, the lump was just a cyst.

Post-surgery was a surprise. For such a small digit, it sure slowed my activities. I could move the fingers on my right hand, but of course not the bandaged thumb. Turns out that finger is indispensable, difficult to do without. I compensated, like typing with my left hand, but it is a slow process, right along with everything else.

Add in the side effects from the antibiotics and pain meds, and I did little but read, nap, and watch a movie here and there. All because of that one small digit.

While forced to slow down, I realized how wrapped up in activities I had become. My mind had been in a constant whirl of plans and ideas, even to the point of interfering with my concentration with my devotions or prayers. Oops.

Stitches come out tomorrow. The effects of the medications are easing off. I should be able to resume normal activity this next week. If I’m smart, I won’t become so embroiled I lose sight of what is most important. After my experience with the lions, one would think I wouldn’t forget, but I do. The pull of earthly things is strong.

Thank you, Lord, for the reminder to slow down enough to meditate and pray, and not a hurried nod before I dash off to the day’s activities. Thank you for loving me so much. Amen. 


  1. My sister broke a thumb bone. She had the same realization that one little appendage does so much! I hope you heal up quickly. I've been thinking the same thing about busyness and time with the Lord. Not just me, but what I see in other people, too. I feel sorry for people who are in such a hurry all the time, even if their activities are worthwhile. It's hard to draw near to God when you're always in a rush.

    1. Thank you for the well wishes. The thumb is better every day.

      I agree with you about some. They rush from one task to another without taking a breath. I haven't been that bad, but my prayer time has suffered. Time to slow down.


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