June 16, 2022



Image by Avi Chomotovski from Pixabay 

God knows what we need before we ask him. (Matthew 6:8) Then why pray?

For one, Jesus said we should pray always, without ceasing, but this prayer can take many forms. We can start with praise, ask for what we need, and then end with thanksgiving and advanced gratitude.

Yet, I’d like to propose taking this a step further. It can be a conversation, like a child with his or her Father, a dialog based on a close relationship.

Any therapist will tell you, talking out a problem helps us work through emotions and helps us find solutions. Who better to talk with than an all-powerful God? He will not only answer our pleas but also send the Holy Spirit. He will strengthen our trust, fill us with peace, and help us accept God’s answer.

Through this type of prayer our trust, gratitude, and awareness of God’s presence grows.

I keep a running conversation with God going all day. Not always a long discourse, sometimes just a word, or a thought, whatever fits the moment. However, my lengthiest prayer is in the morning.

My husband needs coffee before he’s ready to converse. I, however, wake up as my husband puts it, loaded and ready to go. Thank goodness God doesn’t mind early morning chatter.

Lord, it’s me. First, I just want to say good morning and thank you for watching over me last night. Then, I have a few issues I’d like to discuss and a few things I need your help with. I also ask you to watch over and guide my friends and family, and anyone else you know who needs your help. Yes, I realize that encompasses our entire world, so I pray for them, too.

Thank you, Lord for chatting with me. You always make me feel better after we talk. Amen.


  1. I think chatting all day with God is a great thing to do.:-)

    1. I agree! (And in the early morning, my husband does too. 😉)


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