July 03, 2020

Believing Changes Everything

My life changed after my vision of Jesus and the pit of fire (See: The Divine Embrace). From that moment I saw God in every circumstance, in every sorrow. 

I asked to be His witness and my life fell apart. Family crisis, deaths, financial disasters, and health issues hit one after another.
I remembered His words from my vision. I would walk through an inferno as a natural part of my life, I would endure great sorrow, but if I held onto Him, my faith, the flames would never burn me.

While I struggled to hold on to my faith, He sent rainbows in many forms prior to miraculous healings. He sent lilies reminding me not to be anxious about clothing, feeding, or sheltering my family and myself. Only days after their appearance, a miracle saved me from financial disaster. Scriptural promises appeared when I needed encouragement, consolation and promises of better tomorrows.

He brought me through all of it and I am stronger, more trusting, and I hope more compassionate toward others.

He granted me miracles because I believed.

Thank you, Lord, for all of your bountiful gifts, for walking with me in the flames, and most of all for your mercy and compassion for all of my mistakes and misjudgments. Amen. 


  1. Thank you for sharing your vision with us. The story that wasn't just a story made my day, and I can see in today's post how it still affects you.

  2. Yes, it was life altering. Neither me or the world was the same afterward.


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