July 31, 2019

Sometimes I Envy Moses

Photo by Jeff Jacobs from Pixabay

God has answered my prayers many times, but rarely in the way I hoped or expected. He knows where the true blessings lie and asks that I dig a little deeper to see what he sees.

Those times I wish I could talk to him like Moses, face to face, and receive a direct answer back. Life would be so much simpler, wouldn’t it?

I often envy the Israelites too. Imagine seeing the miracles they experienced during the Exodus: the plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, water from a rock, manna. I want to think I’d never complain or doubt like they did, but is that true?

God has given me so many miracles and yet I still tend to worry with each crisis, wondering if God will rescue me this time.

As hard as it is, I must recognize that I am often just as stiff-necked as the Israelites in the desert, complaining and doubting when I don’t get the answers I want when I want them. 

But I must also remember these are the steppingstones God uses to lead me toward the fulfillment of his plan for my life, and regardless of where the path leads, what sorrows I will endure, I can be sure the path will also be filled with great joy.


  1. Love this post, and I can so relate!

    1. I am sure you can, especially right now with all the things you've got going on. Still sending prayers every day.

  2. I, too, have wondered if I'd be as stiff-necked as the Israelites in the desert. Yeah, I probably would be. Good thing God's love is full of grace.


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