August 21, 2018

I'm Not God, But I Often Think I Am

In Ezekiel 28:1 the prophet admonishes the king for making himself a God, relying on his own wisdom and power, acting without waiting for the discernment of God’s will. I’d like to say I never do that, but I do, and often. I ask for God’s blessing to do what I deem best and plunge ahead, not waiting for his answer. Other times, I follow his will, but out of my own desires, not his.

I also make myself a god when I judge others, playing the Pharisee to the tax collector, extolling my virtues over theirs. If I’d never act the way they do, then they must be wrong. 

These are not the only stumbling blocks to my spiritual growth. I also make possessions gods, valuing them more than him, and not just my home, job, clothes, car, or the money in my bank account. I also place my fears, my need to be in control, my self-righteousness, and my laziness above him.

The good news, God sees these weaknesses and loves me despite them. In return he asks only that I keep striving to put him above all things, especially my ego.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. Thanks for the insight and the reminder to keep my eyes on Him.


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