September 29, 2012

Someone Else

I posted this about a year ago, not realizing at the time it would speak to me again under almost the exact circumstances. Isn't it interesting how God orchestrates such coincidences? Isn't it also interesting that life keeps repeating? Is it because we haven't learned the lessons? Or is there some other reason?
(One note: at this moment the job situation is undecided.)

Someone Else 
Originally Posted 10/8/11

At times life seems to be one disappointment after another, and I blame it all on Someone Else.

Someone Else got the house my husband and I fell in love with.

Someone Else got the job I applied for and really wanted.

Someone Else is driving the car I've always wanted.

Someone Else is celebrating a mile stone wedding anniversary that I will never have.

Someone Else is thinner, younger and more attractive.

Someone Else’s list of blessings far out weigh mine.

This morning God shook his finger at me and said, “Shame on you!”  

Through my devotional, Streams in the Desert, by L.B. Cowman, God reminded me not to be anxious over anything. Do not worry over what I am to eat, wear or drink. He knows I have need of these things. In other words, don’t worry about Someone Else.

I could hear His voice. “Haven’t I given you everything you really needed? Haven’t you always had a warm house, food, clothing, friends, and a loving spouse? Does it matter that I chose to give you those things in a manner you didn't expect, or necessarily chose, as long as I provided them? And if you will only admit it, haven’t my choices been far better than yours? Have I not exceeded your expectations?”

I bowed my head and mumbled, “Yes, Lord, you have."


"You have sent many gifts and blessings. You paid my car insurance when it was impossible to do it on my own. You paid off debt in ways that were impossible.”  I giggled. “And, I will never forget the time you put the turkey in my sink just in time for dinner."


"I remember the rainbows you sent during the storms to remind me of your love and promises. I remember the lilies you sent to remind me not to worry or fret over my well being. I do remember these things, Lord, but I am weak and sometimes give into doubt.”


"Well, now as I reflect, I realize what I do have.”

"I do have a comfortable house filled with treasures accumulated throughout my life. I have always had jobs, and although they might not be ones I would have chosen, each has given me the opportunity to increase my knowledge and skill, and has provided for my family. I do have a car, not the one I dreamed of,or even wanted, but it is certainly serviceable – and paid for. I have celebrated wedding anniversaries, maybe not the milestones Someone Else has, but each one was indeed a celebration of time spent in wedded bliss with a man I truly love. I have a healthy body showing only a few ravages from my many years upon this earth. It may not be as thin, or young, as Someone Else’s, but I’ll take it and its few aches and pains over Someone Else’s devastating health issues.

"I must admit, I have as many blessings as Someone Else, and in some cases, more. And Lord, I must admit one more thing, none of the above matters as much as my relationship with you. It is through You that I exist, and will continue to exist here on earth and in eternity.  You will never forget or abandon me. Even during the darkest moments, you shower me with encouragement, compassion – and hope. 

"So, Lord, I lay all of my worries and concerns at your feet. I choose to float on wings of faith rather than sink into the depths of worry and despair. But, there is just  one more thing, Lord. When I leave this room I am going to see Someone Else with all the before mentioned blessings, and I’ll need your help not to forget mine.”

Today, September 29, 2012, I can only add, "Amen."


  1. Ah yes, Someone Else always seems to have it better. But His gifts to us are always bettter than what we would choose.

  2. This an amazing post! Too often I have looked at my life through a lens of "Someone else." Thank you for the Truth that God is always enough and His gifts to me are good and right on time. I really loved this post.

  3. Thank you, Sandra, Donna Lynn and Cindee for stopping in and commenting. This had been heavy on my heart this last week, and writing it changed my own attitude, which really needed an adjustment.

  4. Hello Cecilia, It is always a good reminder to list off our blessings that we have been given in order to keep us on the right track. Thank you.

  5. Exactly, Tonya. That was my lesson, not too be so quick to see someone else's blessings before mine. Thanks for stopping and commenting.

  6. This is a wonderful post!! I needed it as my daily reminder! Thank You!

  7. Cecilia, what a wonderful post and you're absolutely right! I also realized you and I are of the same mindset because I read "Streams in the Desert" devotional every day too!


  8. Thank you, Jackie. I re-read it every morning myself in order to keep my priorities straight.

  9. Anna, I love Streams in the Desert. There is always a message for me. I never skip a day! Thank you for stopping in and commenting.

  10. Thanks Cecelia. May we all remember No One Else has what we have! Special prayers for you today for whatever it holds.

  11. Thank you, Marcia. I appreciate the words of encouragement. And you are right, No One Else has what I have, or you have.

  12. Oh! What a good word! When I recently went through something similar to this, God brought me to John 21: 20-23, where Peter was concerned about what would happen to John. Jesus told Peter, "What is that to you? You must follow me." The acronym the Lord gave me was WITTY, What is that to you? So now, when I'm tempted to be jealous or judgy about another person, I hear the Holy Spirit gently say to me, WITTY, Donna...what is that to you, you must follow me.

  13. Donna, I love: WITTY. I will remember that when the jealously or self pity comes roaring back. Another good example of Our Lord's wisdom and admonishments to trust only Him.

  14. Love this, my friend. As usual VERY timely of course, as God always knows when we need to hear what! Love the mention of Lilies... I cannot see them or hear that word without thinking of YOU ;)
    On a funny note.... when referring to someone I've known since childhood, I would say, "my old friend", but now that we are "older"... I changed it to "my long time friend". LOL ;)

  15. Teri, I think of you when I remember the lilies. You were there when they first came into my spiritual life.

    I like the term, long time friend, although old is getting nearer the mark! You know I am reaching a milestone birthday this year....

    Blessing to you, my friend. May God always keep you close to His heart.

  16. I think I remember this one, Ceci. Loved it then and love it now. A wonderful post! Thank you for the rerun. Blessings!

  17. Enjoyed this post a very good reminder as I too often can tend to compare my life with others thinking that "the grass is greener on the other side" when in all reality God's done so much, given so much in my own life.
    I need to be continually thankful for this.
    Thank you and Amen.
    Anne B.

  18. Lynn, I am glad you didn't mind a re-run. It spoke to me again, and thought it might to others as well.

  19. So true, Anne. I actually carried this around in my purse and re-read it throughout the day to remind myself not to compare what I have to what others have. It helped. I am thankful we have a compassionate - and patient Father!


Any thoughts you would like to share? I love hearing from you!