May 26, 2023

Wise Words from Myself to Myself

Original Photo by Cecilia Marie Pulliam

Every morning, I wake with a prayer of praise on my lips for another day here on this earth. But after that, my mind takes off on its usual race, listing the many things I want to accomplish.

Then, these words popped up in a Facebook memory.

To all the overly serious: Relax. Laugh more. It will all still get done — or not. Some things are not all that important. Prioritize with God in mind and watch your stress melt away. Have a great day.

Too many times I merely glimpsed the beautiful sunsets and hurried on to something else. But not last night.

I set everything aside, even my camera, and sat on the porch swing.

Birdsong and the distant rush of the creek were the only sounds to breach the silence. A warm breeze carried the clean scents of wet grass and sage, the aftermath of the earlier thunderstorm. In the west, the sky blazed neon orange and gold, setting the eastern hills ablaze with color.

I breathed, relaxed, prayed, and soaked in the peace of God’s beautiful earth.

I hope to repeat, as often as I can, stepping away from the business for a few moments. I’m sure God will remind me often. Sometimes with my own words.

Thank you, Lord, for reminding me to pause and simply breathe. Amen.


  1. I can't believe your timing, Marie. I've been telling myself this same message for the past two weeks. I'm dealing with moving my elderly mother and taking on her affairs. I feel it's too much at times, and I confess I've despaired. But when I remember to prioritize with God in mind, the stress lessens or even goes away completely.

    1. Aw, Vera/Priscilla, I understand. Taking on that extra work is a burden on top of everything else. Making time to pause in our labor is not always easy. But the thought reminded me of this Scripture.

      "Come to me, all you that labor, and are burdened, and I will refresh you. Take up my yoke upon you, and learn of me, because I am meek, and humble of heart: and you shall find rest to your souls. For my yoke is sweet and my burden light." Matthew 11:28-30.

      I'm sure God will give you the strength, wisdom, and courage you need to care for your aging mother and give you a chance to pause, rest and to just breathe. God bless. Hugs!


Any thoughts you would like to share? I love hearing from you!