August 25, 2022

Small Things

Photo by Nathan Lemon@Unsplash

“Do small things with great love.” Mother Teresa.

They seem small, but perhaps they aren’t to the recipient.

A good friend introduced me to my church family. A small gesture to her, but a huge one for me.

I lost a small cross pendant I had for years. My husband surprised me with another, larger and prettier pendant. His sweet act touched me deeply.

A stranger gave me a guardian angel pin so I wouldn’t feel alone during a low moment in my life. I gave it to a friend facing cancer treatments. Later, my daughter gave me a beautiful Black Hills gold replacement. Not wanting to part with her beautiful gift, I bought several pins to give away.

Another stranger stopped and prayed with me when I needed prayer the most. The closest I came was telling a stranger I’d pray for them.

The list goes on.

What about you? Have you been the recipient of small acts of love that made a difference in your life? Have you done the same for others?

Dear Lord, may I be the doer of small things done with great love. Amen.


  1. As morbid as this sounds, a stranger offered to dig a hole to bury my dog. I thought it was very understanding (and practical, too). How did he even know I didn't have a shovel?
    I feel inadequate in this department. I have done a few small things for strangers, like step in and pay a frazzled mom's grocery bill. (She couldn't find the right change, kids were fussing. I totally understood!) I loaded up an elderly man's firewood once. Stuff like that, not much.

    1. That doesn't sound morbid at all. That was a very kind gesture on his part. Those things you listed, impacted the recipients a great deal. I can imagine the mom's relief when you stepped in and helped. I've stacked enough firewood to know what a job that is. I'm sure the elderly man was thankful. We all feel inadequate, thinking we aren't doing enough, but it's those little things we don't think much about that mean so much to others.


Any thoughts you would like to share? I love hearing from you!