April 28, 2022

Heart Song of Joy

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
I read an interesting story in Our Daily Bread for April 27th. The author, Sheridan Voysey, wrote about Australia’s honeyeater bird. The species is declining. As a result, there aren’t enough older males to teach the younger ones their unique song and they are failing to attract mates. In a desperate attempt to correct this problem and save the species, conservationists are playing recordings of honeyeaters singing. They hope by learning their heart song they will attract females and the species will thrive. 

The author went onto tie this story into the captive Jews. They too had lost their song in captivity. But through the prophet Zephaniah (3:17) God promised He would take great delight in them, in his love he would no longer rebuke them, but rejoice over them with singing. “As a result, the heart song of the people would be restored.”

We too can lose our heart song through adversity or illness.  However, as the author stated in the meditation, “But a Voice is singing over us songs of forgiveness and love. Let’s listen to His melody and sing along.”

I have. I am.


  1. What a beautiful post! It makes me want to sing.:-)

    1. I loved the analogy when I read it. It does make you want sing.


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