March 25, 2022

Smart Phone

 Photo by Patrick Tomasso@Unsplash

Now that I’m retired, I have almost endless amounts of time to do all the things I need and want to do, but often become so focused on one project nothing else gets done. Exercise is one thing that often falls to the wayside when I’m tired.

Following the philosophy to work smarter rather than harder, I broke chores into daily fifteen to thirty-minute segments, instead of the usual all day marathons. As I played with my phone calendar, I discovered a scheduling app. It creates a To Do List for me.

As it generated each list, it left ample time in between each project for variables and for rest in between. (Something I’m not good at.)

The other nice feature, it also reminds me it’s time for the next project or task with a soft chime, eliminating the need to look at the clock or set a timer. It also allows me to suspend a project to a later time, giving me flexibility when needed without having to redo my entire schedule.

The first day I tried out this new system, I was surprised how easy my day flowed. Not only did I fit in writing, painting, and exercise along with all my chores, I had time to sit outside on the porch swing with my husband, take a walk, even a nap if I wanted. But the most important thing, I wasn’t exhausted or stressed.  

I’m embarrassed to admit my phone is smarter than me.

Thank you, Lord, for smart men and women who invent tools to make our lives easier. Amen. 


Any thoughts you would like to share? I love hearing from you!