March 14, 2022

A Little Fishy

Photo by: viergacht@Pixabay

The other morning, I decided to read the last few pages of my book before I delved into my devotions. But when I turned on my Kindle, it started a long series of updates, the first since I bought it two years ago. Go figure.

So, I read my devotions while it updated. They took about the same amount of time as my morning readings and prayers.  

A little fishy, don’t you think?

Another morning this last week, I dared to peek at personal and social messages before I started my devotions. My phone froze when I tried to open the first app, forcing me to restart it. While it rebooted, I read my meditations. Again, it finished about the same time I finished my prayers.

Fishy, indeed.

I woke the next morning with a new idea for my current novel whirling in my mind. While coffee brewed, I turned on my computer. I’d start my devotions right after I got the scene written.

I’m sure you’ve guessed it.

My computer required updates before I could open my Word doc. The little message stated it would take a while, long enough to read my devotions.  

Now that wasn’t just fishy. That was a whale.

I had another incident. I let my blood pressure get too low. Those of you familiar with that feeling, one symptom is irritation at everything. My husband is hard of hearing, and it tries my patience at times. That morning, I snapped at him and stomped around the kitchen.

When I sat down and opened my devotionals, this title slapped me in the face.

Anger: A Tricky Emotion. “The old expression says that we have two ears and one mouth…. we should listen twice as much as we speak.” The reading went on to say we shouldn’t let anger fester. Instead, we need to recognize the emotion and proceed carefully, changing it from destructive action or words into “fuel for transformation, healing, and inspired action.”

Sheesh! Well, God got this wayward Christian’s attention.

Silliness aside, I am honored that God loves me enough to remind me what is important and to chastise me when I fail to live out my faith.  

Thank you, Lord, for guiding, teaching, and loving this flawed human creation of Yours. Amen.


Any thoughts you would like to share? I love hearing from you!