February 19, 2022

The Button

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay 

This scripture popped up in my readings. “Consider how small a fire can set a huge forest ablaze. The tongue is also a fire.” James 3:5-6.

While I may not use my tongue to spread gossip or try to get others in trouble, God is still convicting me of abusing His gift of speech.

Whenever I am with friends or a group of people, the storyteller in me bursts out. I love sharing funny or interesting tales about myself, others, or some adventure. However, even though listeners have told me I am a wonderful storyteller, that is not a license to dominate the conversation.

I’ve tried several mantras to remind me to slow down and listen more, but I forget to use them.

The phrase button it finally came to mind. I slip a large button into my pocket before I go to any social gathering, even if it is only meeting a friend for tea or coffee. This subtle reminder to take a breath and let others speak has helped. With more practice, I’m sure I’ll find a healthy balance between telling stories and listening.

Lord, thank you for the gift of speech and storytelling. Help me use them wisely. Amen.

Are you a talker or a listener? 




  1. This is the second time this week I've run into the same verse. Except I took it as a "tongue is a rudder" message, like don't cuss and stuff because it'll lead to worse things. (I usually don't cuss, but SOMETIMES I freak out and do.)

    1. I sure understand. Sometimes things just slip out when we are frustrated. It is amazing how in sync our readings are most of the time. Only God could orchestrate that!


Any thoughts you would like to share? I love hearing from you!