December 10, 2021

Our Faith, a Reason for Joy or Guilt?

Photo by silviarita @ Pixabay
Does our faith make us so joyful we want to dance in the streets, or does it load us down with dos and don’ts? When we share our faith, do we make others happy, or do we make them fearful of a vengeful God?

The Pharisees did the latter, and Jesus chastised them for it. He brought the Gospel, the Good News, to a desperate people. Many heard and rejoiced. Do we?

For myself, I bounce between a heart singing with joy and one crushed with guilt. This season of Advent is an excellent opportunity to anticipate good things, celebrating not only Jesus’ birth but also family, friendship, and community. Christmas Carols and scripture readings are filled with joy and hope. Each dawn brings just as much chance of good things as bad. Shouldn’t we greet each day with a joyful expectation of the wonders and miracles God can do?

Even in bad times, there is always hope of a better tomorrow.

The night after my third husband passed away, my son and I went to the theater to see the movie, Castaway. I needed a distraction, some time away from the grief. One line stood out and has stayed with me for years.

After the main character lost the love of his life for the second time, he told his friend, “So now I know what I have to do. I have to keep breathing. And tomorrow the sun will rise, and who knows what the tide will bring in.”

Our faith is the tide that God uses to bring us hope for a better tomorrow, and after this life, an eternity in heaven with Him.

This Christmas season I challenge you (and myself) to see our faith not a list of dos and don’ts that crush our souls under their weight, but something so joyful we want to jump to our feet and dance.



  1. This reminds me of a phrase that I often jot down to cheer me up. It's from a verse in Ecclesiastes: "I commend the enjoyment of life."

  2. Thank you for sharing that verse. It's beautiful. I am adding it to my list of favorite scriptures.


Any thoughts you would like to share? I love hearing from you!