August 21, 2020

The Inside Joke

Isn’t it amazing how God sends signs or messages that touch our hearts, little things others don’t notice, but are significant to us?

I have touched on lilies, rainbows, and lions in other posts. Now, it seems God has added a new theme to our communications, thanks to my pastor.

I met with him this last week and during our discussion, described the different ways God encouraged me to write.

He smiled when I equated the lions with Jonah and the whale. “I mentioned that scripture in Sunday’s sermon.”

I’d missed the service.  

Two days after my meeting with my pastor, TBN TV station sent me an email with this week’s lineup of programs. The biggest ad was [insert a drum roll], yes you already know, Jonah and the whale.

I laughed.

In my heart I knew He was ribbing me about missing Sunday’s service. I imagined Him smiling and His eyes twinkling. Who says He can’t have a sense of humor? He gave us one.

But He wasn’t done with the joke. 

I started a new book, not surprised (maybe a little) that one of the characters was named Jonah, and he mentioned dry bones. I didn't laugh this time. I read the scripture about dry bones from the book of Ezekiel 37:1-14 this morning. God told Ezekiel to prophesy to the dry bones and infuse them with spirit. During my talk with Pastor, mentioned I hadn’t written in a while. 

He said, “Perhaps you've entered a dry spell.”

I believe God is telling me He will infuse my writing with spirit, just like he did the field of dry bones.

I cherish having a close enough relationship with God to share inside jokes along with the more serious things.

A wise man once told a married couple, “Love each other with all your hearts. That love will spill outward toward your children and others.”

Our relationship with God will do the same.

Lord, I am delighted I can call you my friend.  Amen.



  1. Oh, I absolutely believe God has a sense of humor. I mean, have you ever seen the Mexican walking fish?:-)

    1. I didn't recognize the name and had to Google it. Then I remembered seeing pictures of the creature. You are right, only Someone with a sense of humor would create such an odd but endearing critter.


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