August 30, 2020

No Fishing

Photo by Jessica Fender @Pixabay

 It warms my soul to imagine God standing on the dock beside the ocean, taking my forgiven sins out of my clenched fists, and tossing them into the water. Then, He puts up a No Fishing sign.

Later, I sneak back with a fishing pole slung over my shoulder, but He appears, points at the No Fishing sign.

He gently takes the pole from my hands and throws it into the sea. “No Fishing allowed.”

He will repeat this over and over again until the day I show up with a chair and beach umbrella instead of a fishing pole. We’ll hang out together, watch the waves roll in and the sun sink below the horizon in a blaze of color. We’ll sip cool drinks, start a bonfire on the beach, and stargaze. 

After the death of my third husband, Jesus appeared in a dream and promised I’d never look at the stars alone. He’d always be with me. He has kept that promise, especially in the No Fishing Zone.

Thank you, Lord, for Your mercy and compassion, for Your faithfulness. You are the reason for my very existence. I love you. Amen.


  1. I go fishing way too much. I'm going to try imagining a "no fishing" sign next time.:-)

    1. I think we are all guilty of fishing. The image had helped me stop some of the late night/early morning fishing expeditions. :)


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