January 01, 2020

A New Year

With the New Year upon us, what is your wish, your desire for this new year? Any regrets over the old one?
As in a meme I saw on Facebook, I will plant the seeds for good things, water them with faith, and watch God's plan unfold. I have forgiven myself for the mistakes of last year with the vow to try not to repeat them. I will, no doubt, but it is the effort that counts in God's eyes.
Happy New Year!


  1. Regrets? I think I spent too much energy last year spinning my wheels, but a friend told me my timing just wasn't right. This year I desire to write a better novel (than my unpublished, first novel from last year). I also want to think/speak more positively.

    Have a blessed 2020!

    1. Priscilla, those are inspiring goals. Good luck on your new book. Each one we write we learn more and our writing improves. Thinking and speaking positive thoughts certainly helps our attitude and how we see the world. God bless you.


Any thoughts you would like to share? I love hearing from you!