October 28, 2019


Photo by S. Herman & S. Richter at Pixabay

This time of year heralds several kinds of transitions. We change seasons, begin the winter holidays, and colleges and schools have resumed. For me it brings another transition. 

Being a December baby, my birthday is fast approaching, propelling me closer to another milestone and more age-related changes.

 Besides the extra pounds I am trying to shed, I had to give up wearing foundation. Unless I use a primer, it accentuates the fine wrinkles, and I don’t want to spend the extra money, nor do I like the feel of the heavy creams on my skin. (My sweet husband regards the sunspots as freckles, and although I’ve tried enlightening him, it’s more fun to go along.)

The next change is my hair. I’ve tinted it a shade lighter than my natural color for years. I intended to stop after I retired, but my husband and my hairdresser encouraged me to continue. Plus, all the compliments I received on my hair stoked my vanity enough to continue with the hassle. ( I do my own hair coloring.)

But the woman I see in the mirror is well passed her sixtieth birthday, and it's time to tone down more than just the makeup. 

It won’t be a fast transition as it’s best to let the color grow out gradually, which will test both my resolve and my patience, but no transition happens overnight. Whether it’s weight loss, changing unwanted behaviors, or going back to my natural hair color, the results will be worth the effort.
At least that is what I tell myself during the struggle, it will be worth it, and I am sure I’ll have to repeat that more than once.


  1. I stopped coloring my hair about, um, 12 years ago. The transition phase was bizarre-looking in my case, but I really enjoy the easy care routine I have now. Totally worth the transition!

  2. Thank you for the encouragement, Priscilla. I am looking forward to the easy care routine!


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