October 19, 2024


Image by Alexa from Pixabay

My devotion in Our Daily Bread reminded me that whatever I do, I should do it for God alone.

This timely reminder comes in the wake of my pastor asking me to help with the children’s ministry. I said yes, but with tons of trepidations and I’m dreading my first Sunday School class.  

For one, it’s been a long time since I taught Sunday School and I’m a little worried about handling a group of youngsters. Can I relate to them? Will I keep their attention?

Another concern, my husband won’t attend church if I’m not in the sanctuary with him. I prefer to sit with him, too, but how do I reconcile the two desires?

If I do all things for God, that means putting him first above all things. What better way than teaching his word to little ones? As for my husband, I’ll leave him in God’s hands.

Not only does this apply to my current situation, but looking back on my life, I’d have been a better wife, mother, friend, employee, and church member had I done those things with God in mind.

Thankfully, the past is past. I’ve been forgiven for my failings, and I can move forward with a new purpose.

Dear Lord, thank you for your wisdom and for the encouragement to follow your will, especially when it’s not easy. Amen.




  1. I bet you do great with the children's ministry! Yes, I'm thankful for God's forgiveness of all my past failings, too. Sometimes I just shake my head and can't believe a) how stupid/sinful I was (um, still am, of course, but hopefully wiser), and b) how forgiving God is.❤

    1. Thanks for your encouragement. God has already eased most of my trepidation. I just received the lesson plan for tomorrow and it's a video! I surely can handle that as my first class. I echo your sentiments on how stupid and stubborn we can be sometimes and how forgiving God is. I too feel I'm a little wiser now. :D


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