March 18, 2024

It's Done! Finally


Finally! It's done and live on Amazon

Evie Walsh is a Gifted, a mythical race thought to be extinct after the Great Purge eradicated most of her kind. But the Gifted are very much alive and are working in secret, using their supernatural abilities to protect the innocent.

 Each time Evie uses her gifts, she risks exposure, putting herself and all Gifted in danger. Even so, she won’t stop. Not if she can save one more life. 

Her friend and mentor thinks he has a solution. But can she trust it with her life? 

Besides the risks of another genocide, a Dark Gifted sees her as a threat to his criminal empire. He’ll use any means available to him to destroy her — even drawing on forbidden dark powers. Will Evie’s unique abilities be enough to stop him?


This one was a struggle. Bless my critique partners and editor for their patience. I knew the first version wasn't one of my better stories and when they got done with their red pens, I almost gave up on the book. They encouraged me not to toss it aside. The story had good bones. It just needed to be fleshed out more. 

Back to the computer, I spent hours more bringing the story and characters to their full potential. I believe I added between 10,000 and 15,000 words to the original manuscript. But it was worth the effort. 

The cover was fun to create, using new tools in updated software. 

So, now that this child is out in the world, what's next? 

Why another fantasy! This one will be a high fantasy like Plighted

Since you're here, you get a sneak preview of the cover and the working blurb. 

As a Trackling, Aislene can follow any trail. It doesn’t matter if her quarry crosses creeks, swims rivers, or climbs trees or rocks. Her magic illuminates any essence left behind.

As her quarry leads her and her entourage of enforcers deeper into Gescildan territory, she advises Nyyx, the lead enforcer, they should turn back and leave the criminal to his fate. Few who venture into the fierce warriors’ territory return, but it might already be too late. Someone or something is following them…

Of course, this may change as the story unfolds. :) 

Anyway, had to share the good news! 



  1. This is exciting! The cover is lovely (so is The Trackling cover!). Off to grab a copy.:-)

  2. I love all your work. Blessings! 🧡💛💚


Any thoughts you would like to share? I love hearing from you!