October 30, 2023

Changing Seasons

The weather has cooled. There’s now frost on the lawn in the morning and mist rising off the river. Hummingbirds no longer frequent the feeder. Many of the songbirds are gone. A few of the poplar trees are sporting gold leaves amid the green. Outside chores are tapering off. Soon, winter snows will blanket the green lawn and frost will drape the trees.

I’ve lived where the weather stays about the same all year. At first it was nice having warm temperatures every day. But after a few years, I missed the fall colors and cooling temperatures. Christmas wasn’t the same for this Pacific Northwest gal without snow. Christmas lights in the desert, although beautiful, didn’t sparkle like they do on a snowy winter’s eve.

These thoughts spiraled in another direction. Our lives have seasons too. We move from youths in early spring to mature adults in the summer of our lives and on into the fall. We become empty nesters, newly retired. For some, the change is unwelcome. Their life purpose gone with grown children and retirement. For others, they launch into projects they’ve long held off while raising families and building careers. Many travel to places they only talked about.

Then, in a blink, we are in the last season. Natural aging slows us down a bit more. But not to the point we stop living. There is still wisdom and talents to share. Prayers to be said.

“For I know the plans I have for you, ‘declares the Lord,’ plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” — Jeremiah 29:11.

We have a future no matter the season of our lives. We are called to an eternal spring in heaven. Amen.


  1. I think about "seasons" in life too. Your foliage is gorgeous!

    1. The older we are, the more the seasons matter. We do have beautiful fall colors this year. ☺️


Any thoughts you would like to share? I love hearing from you!