January 07, 2023

Bluebirds and Rainbows

In my last post, I mentioned my newest health challenge, and that rainbows were appearing as they have in the past whenever I faced serious health issues. (See Post: Somewhere Over the Rainbow and Somewhere Over the Rainbow Part Two).

They have continued to the point I feel I must share.

The day I was diagnosed, a fellow author, Jan Edtti Thomson, posted this on Facebook. Not only did the picture get my attention, but also the words printed below the picture.

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Next, this one popped on another social media post by a fellow member of Friends Finding Photos, Robin Laws. The photo challenge for the day was bridges. She couldn’t find the one she wanted, so she cheated and posted this instead. There is a Rainbow Bridge Road in Idaho, which I discovered when I was recovering from my first cancer surgery.  

Fellow author and photographer friend, Kristin Bridgman, posted these beautiful photos on Facebook. This ties in with the rainbow theme, since bluebirds fly over the rainbow in the song.

By this time, I was asking God, are you really sending me rainbows to encourage me about my health issue? 

This was the next photo - directly underneath the one above.


It was meant as a funny meme, but the coincidences convinced me.  

Why He blesses me like this, I can't imagine, but I'm so thankful. It is so much easier to negotiate this thing called life with His help. 

I also thank His sweet earthly messengers for listening to His prodding, even though they didn't realize it. 

 I am marching ahead into this new year with confidence and a grateful heart. How can I not?  





  1. God is so amazing in His love. I'm learning to look for His messages to me, and I'm never disappointed. Even on days He's quiet, I still know He's with me. Sorry to hear about your illness, but I'm so glad it's manageable. Love you!

    1. I absolutely agree! I love you too and keep you and your family in my prayers every day. Hugs!

  2. How wonderful, Marie! Rainbows and God's love abound! Haha, yes, Dorothy should have kept Toto on a leash!


Any thoughts you would like to share? I love hearing from you!