July 21, 2022

Four-Footed Angels

Original Photo by Author

Our Brittany, Cooper, woke my husband up several nights at around the same hour. He didn’t ask to go out or seem to want anything other than to wake my husband. We’d read stories of dogs alerting to their master’s health issue, but my husband couldn’t recall waking with any discomfort.

One evening a few months later, we watched a historical movie about women spies in WWII and the violence they endured at the hands of the Nazis. That night, I had a nightmare. I was trapped in a house with an abusive stranger. I escaped the building and ran down the long drive toward the street, hoping passersby would help. The man caught me before I reached the street, but I was close enough to see the passing cars. He swung a heavy board at me. I screamed and kept screaming, praying my screams would attract people’s attention.  

Cooper woke me up. He alerted to my distress even though I know I hadn’t made a sound.

Now we understood why he woke my husband. As a retired police officer, he is prone to nightmares, a form of PTSD, not uncommon among law enforcement.

Besides guarding our house and alerting us to anything out of the ordinary, Cooper also guards us from emotional distress. We didn’t train him to do any of these things. They are innate. He is intelligent and perceptive, but this is a whole new level.

We are blessed to have this four-footed angel as our companion.

Have you had an unusual experience with a furry companion?


  1. Cooper is so handsome! A few times, my hound has turned around on walks in rural areas. I don't know if he smelled a bear or what, but I tend to follow his lead when he does that!

    1. Good choice. Never know what they can sense that we can't. What breed of hound do you have and what is his name?

    2. He's a hound mutt and looks like a cross between a greyhound and a coonhound. His name is Dalton after Andy Dalton the football QB who played for TCU where my daughter went to school. Dalton (the QB) is a redhead, and Dalton (the dog) has a lot of red in his coat.

    3. How cool! Dalton, the dog, sounds like a great companion. Love how he came by his name.


Any thoughts you would like to share? I love hearing from you!